Milović, M., Kebert, M., Orlović, S. (2021): How mycorrhizas can help forests to cope with ongoing climate change? Šumarski list 5-6: 279-286.

Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Zlatković, M., Stojnic, S., Čapelja, E., Zorić, M., Kiprovski, B., Budakov, D., Orlović, S. (2022): Ectomycorrhizal fungi modulate biochemical response against powdery mildew disease in Quercus robur L. Forests 13: 1491.

Kebert, M., Vuksanović, V., Stefels, J., Bojović, M., Horák, R., Kostić, S., Kovačević, B., Orlović, S., Neri, L., Magli, M., Rapparini, F. (2022): Species-level differences in osmoprotectants and antioxidants contribute to stress tolerance of Quercus robur L., and Q. cerris L. seedlings under water deficit and high temperatures. Plants 11: 1744.

Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Čapelja, E., Vuksanović, V., Stojnić, S., Gavranović Markić, A., Zlatković, M., Milović, M., Galović, V., Orlović, S. (2022): Ectomycorrhizal fungi modulate pedunculate oak’s heat stress responses through the alternation of polyamines, phenolics, and osmotica content. Plants 11: 3360.

Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Zlatković, M., Stojnić, S., Čapelja, E., Zorić, M., Kiprovski, B., Budakov, D., Orlović, S. (2022): Ectomycorrhizal fungi modulate biochemical response against powdery mildew disease in Quercus robur L. Forests 13: 1491.

The use of mycorrhiza in the nursery production of Quercus robur L. seedlings. A guideline for forest producers.