In scope of “Nauka privredi” TV series, the Public Broadcasting Service of Vojvodina, Radio-Television of Vojvodina, made a special broadcast about MYCOCLIMART project which was emitted on their television on 4 th May 2021.

Project goals as well as ongoing project activities were presented by Dr Marko Kebert, the principal investigator (PI) of the MYCOCLIMART project. He explained the main ideas of the project and how project is going to be realized by using different “omics” tools. Furthermore, he emphasized importance of introduction of Climate Smart Forestry concept in forest adaptive management practice, especially for pedunculate oak that is considered as the most threatened woody plant species in Serbia by some climate scenarios. Also, he explained the role of polyamines in plants in mitigation of abiotic and biotic stress factors. Dr Milica Zlatkovć, an expert in phytopathology, outlined the detrimental effects of powdery mildew upon Quercus species and she explained the details about greenhouse experiments that will be performed within the Project. Dr Eleonora Čapelja, a MYCOCLIMArt team member from Faculty of Science, talked about methodology that will be applied and importance of tracking the gene expression to understand oaks responses to abiotic/biotic stress. 21-minute long video about MYCOCLIMART project, ended up with the talk of dr Marina Milović who thoroughly explained her role in the project and the importance of mycorrhizal fungi in creation of so called wood wide web as well as beneficial effects that mycorrhizal fungi may have upon plants under stress conditions. Furthermore, dr MIlović explained phenomena of priming and mycorrhiza induced resistance (MIR) that is very important in biotic stress biology.

If you have missed the opportunity to watch this broadcast, you can catch up by watching the podcast on official YouTube channel of the Radio-Television of Vojvodina.